【配套】CBAP3.0 Online Study Exam(在线练习题目)

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该课程属于 CBAP®国际商业分析师认证备考班

#32: what is the diff between RFP and RFI?


4. A:已经说过unable to determine the cause再说root-cause analysis没意义,若无法找出原因,应增加quality control checks然后加入新的流程

5. without a defined performance metrics, one can't measure the solution performance

6. 部门为何没有...- enterprise limitation

7.The solution comes with many new features compared to the earlier application. enterprise limitation可能是employees not trained.

11.对于任何solution performance, solution performance metrics都是必须的

13. when a product needs to be released: sponsor, domain SME, end user需要被告知

15. parallel run(新老版本同时使用): would help stakeholders figure out if the new solution can be trusted or not.

20. any solution which can be improved at low investment and can offer significant benefit should be updated first(这里和stakeholder无法)

21. failed to perform - advice the stakholder to look at trend than an isolated incident

24. Since the transaction volumes are very low and removing such a feature would make the system performance better for stakeholders, it may be a better idea to keep the feature outside the system. 让stakeholder确认business rules

25. Organizational culture plays a significant role in accepting a new system

27. 工人们不愿意使用新系统- modify business policies which will improve usage

28. 若系统太慢- devolop a feature reads from emai, so avoiding manual entry

30.系统出现故障,可能原因是:system not desinged for handling load pattern(系统未做负荷处理)

32. Pursue RFI(信息邀请书),总是应该再做决定前先获取信息

40.需要从有问题的系统升级到新系统,先要找到问题,用root cause analysis


 inadequate 不充分的; 不足的; 不够的; 不胜任的; 缺乏信心的

perceptions 知觉; 感知; 洞察力; 悟性; 看法; 见解;

navigation 导航; 领航; 航行

aggressive 好斗的; 挑衅的; 侵略的; 富于攻击性的; 气势汹汹的; 声势浩大的; 志在必得的

tremendous 巨大的; 极大的; 极好的; 精彩的; 了不起的;

 mal-functioned 功能失常

dictated 口述; (尤指以令人不快的方式) 指使,强行规定; 支配; 摆布; 决定

intimated 透露; (间接) 表示; 暗示;

stake 桩; 标桩; 篱笆桩; 火刑柱; 股本; 股份;

off-shore 离岸; 境外; 离岸的; 离岸外包; 离岸工作;

fanfare 号角花彩,号角齐鸣(欢迎仪式等上奏的响亮短曲); (为庆祝而在媒体上的) 喧耀

post 邮政; 邮递; 邮寄; 邮寄的信函(或包裹等); 邮件; 收集(或投递)邮件的时间; 邮班

RFP  建议要求书,采购方要求供应商提供问题的解决方案的建议

RFI  征求供应商意见,以使需求明确化

RFQ  报价要求书

prudent 谨慎的; 慎重的; 精明的

graphically 以书画(或图表)形式; 形象地; 生动地; 逼真地

 withdraw  (使) 撤回,撤离; 停止提供; 不再给予; (使) 退出

postponements 推迟; 延期; 延缓







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