【配套】CBAP3.0 Online Study Exam(在线练习题目)

Simulator; practice exams for BA certifications

价格 ¥ 5000.00
该课程属于 CBAP®国际商业分析师认证备考班
  1. Predictive Approach should be care for the detailed information which will be concerned at the beginning;
  2. how to store the information involves taking into consideration ghe type and amount of information to be collected, the stakeholder's access and usage needs, and the size and complexity of the change ( think about work flow)\
  3. (29): traceability management is a predominant feature of requirements management system.
  4.  Organization lays' pro consider to answer with delete methods which finds the same lays  and different lays.
  5. (35???)

WBS:工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure), 创建WBS是把项目工作按阶段可交付成果分解成较小的,更易于管理的组成部分的过程。


1. Business Analysis Performance Assessment获知BA工作如何做,此处analyst从其他analyst处获知了信息

2. Plan Business Analysis Approach需考虑Complexity, Risk。

3.瀑布模型:Decision making, change control process, plan for approvals

11. detailed planning and under regulatory considerations: predictive approach

12. Product backlog- adaptive methodology.源自于scrum

15. Adaptive approach, Product owner is likely to manage requirements.

23.metric that tracks plan adherence is: 跟踪计划执行情况的指标

30.manage requirements- maximum authority也就是BA,因为Finalized是BA

41. tiny team,5 member-都是在描述BA忽略了这个stakeholder

42. additional scope: check with spnsor and prioritize the new scope as per time sensitivity



emotional 情感的,心情的


优秀的; 杰出的; 出色的; 突出的; 明显的; 重要的; 未支付的; 未完成的; 未解决的;
  突出; 离港; 向海上; 停留;

plagued 给…造成长时间的痛苦(或麻烦); 困扰; 折磨; 使受煎熬; 纠缠; 缠磨; 缠扰;

turnover 营业额,成交量; 人事变更率; 人员调整率; (商店的) 货物周转率,销售比率;

kick off 开始,迫使离开

prevalent 流行的,盛行的

accelerate 加速; 加速; 加快

fundamentally 根本上; 完全地; (引入话题时说) 从根本上说,基本上; (表示最重要的方面) 根本上;

augmentation 扩大;增加;增长;加强;提高; (教会法) (由拥有转让圣俸的宗教团体付给教区牧师的)一份什一税;

simultaneous  同时发生(或进行)的; 同步的

adherence 坚持; 遵守; 遵循


拒绝接受; 不予考虑; 拒收; 不录用; 拒绝接纳; (因质量差) 不用,不出售,不出版;
n. 废品; 次品; 不合格者; 被剔除者; 被拒收者


legacy 遗产; 遗赠财物; 遗留; 后遗症

finalized 把(计划、旅行、项目等)最后定下来; 定案

predominant 显著的; 明显的; 盛行的; 占优势的; 主导的







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